
Food at our Core

Monday 31 March April 2025

14.00 Registration opens
19.30 Informal dinner

Tuesday 1 April 2025

08.30 Registration opens
08.30 Exhibition Opens, Monarch Suite

Opening of the 2025 Forum - Kings Suite

President Hospital Caterers Association and Mark Durden-Smith, Forum Facilitator

The scene will be set for the coming two days of Forum sessions before handing over to our Forum Facilitator, Mark Durden-Smith


HCA Updates

President, Hospital Caterers Association and Iain Robertson, National Chair, Hospital Caterers Association


Interactive Session 1 - Children Feeding, hosted by Charlotte Fairall

Demonstrators - Alejandro Hernandez & Manuela Miccoli  - Royal Surrey Foundation Trust - NHS Chef of the Year winners 2024

In September 2021 Sophie Fairall passed away after a battle with cancer.  Sophie was dedicated to improving hospital food for children and her mother Charlotte has continued her battle to drive improvement.

Charlotte will host the first interactive session with Mark Durden-Smith as the 2024 NHS Chef of the Year winners prepare a meal for children in hospitals that should be the benchmark for all food served to children across the UK

12.15 Lunch & Exhibition viewing, Monarch Suite

Interactive Session 2 - Managing your food waste, hosted by Nick Vadis

Demonstrators - NHS 4 Nations Challenge Best in Class 2023 - Alan Dougan and James Dougan, Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Trust

Nick Vadis and Mark Durden-Smith will discuss the importance of managing and reducing food waste in a hospital kitchen.  Focusing particularly on the positive environmental and financial impacts a strong waste strategy can bring.

Alan and James will showcase some great dishes that will provide delegates inspiration for their own kitchens

15.00 Exhibition and coffee - Monarch Suite

Interactive session 3 - Low carbon meals, hosted by Lee Sheppard, apetito.

Demonstrators - NHS 4 Nations Challenge Best in Class 2024, Darren Taggart and Angela Dickson, Northern Trust HSCNI and Jethro Lawrence, apetito Development Chef & NHS Chef 2021 winning mentor

The final interactive session will see the winners of the HRC 4 Nations Challenge demonstrating dishes using British sourced ingredients, low carbon menu options and delicious food as the NHS push forward their net zero objectives.

As they cook, hosts Lee Sheppard and Mark Durden-Smith will discuss why reducing carbon is so important, what strategies can be adopted and service options that caterers can adopt to achieve their sustainability goals.


Keynote Interview

17.00 Forum Day 1 closes
18.30 President's VIP Drinks Reception
18.45 Drinks reception

HCA Awards presentations & President's Dinner - Kings Suite

Hosted by Mark Durden-Smith

Wednesday 2 April 2025


08.30 Registration opens
08.30 Exhibition opens - Monarch Suite
9.30 Forum sessions - Kings Suite, Forum Facilitator, Mark Durden-Smith

Achieving Net Zero targets - Carolyn Ball, Director for Delivery of Net Zero, Compass Group and Rees Bramwell, Head of Nutrition & Sustainability, Compass Group

Compass Group are committed to reaching Climate Net Zero by 2030 and Carolyn Ball has been tasked with leading its delivery.  She and Rees will share some of the transition plans that they have been implementing, the results that have been achieved and ways that NHS caterers can benefit from what they have learnt and achieved.


Public Sector Food Procurement in Schools Hospitals and Prisons

Professor Kevin Morgan, Cardiff University

Professor Morgan has spent over 20 years researching the issues around food procurement in the public sector. His new book on the topic draws on recent trends in the UK, Sweden and the US. The book is published in January 2025 and Kevin will share some of the headline findings with a focus on hospital catering.


Exhibition and coffee - Monarch Suite


Workforce Development Strategies

Lucy Rowe, Senior Estates & Facilities Workforce Manager, NHS England

Lucy will present on the NHS Estates and Facilities workforce, examining its key features, challenges, and priority actions. She will highlight NHS England's efforts to tackle workforce shortages through enhanced attraction, strategic recruitment, retention, and inclusion, as outlined in the NHS EFM Workforce Plan and aligned with national NHS workforce objectives.


Developing & Retaining staff, 4 Nations panel session

England - Duncan O'Neil, Northern Ireland - Deborah McNeil, Scotland - Jayne Jones, Wales - TBC

Following on from Lucy Rowe's presentation a four nations panel will discuss what they are doing in to improve recruitment and retention outcomes.  They will also share their strategies for inclusivity and diversity.


Lunch and exhibition viewing - Monarch Suite

14.00 Presentation of stand prizes - Monarch Suite

Managing Scope 1 & 2 emissions and saving the NHS PSmillions - Dr Sam Mudie


Field to Hospital, working with your local farming community

Case Study - Frank Fiore, Catering Manager, Milton Keynes Hospital

Milton Keynes Hospital are an NHS England exemplar site that have achieved exceptional change by working with their local farming community.  Local sourcing, the highest quality produce and the positive impact of working with Love British Food will all be covered in this inspirational case study.

15.45 Comfort beak

Keynote Motivational session - Dr Kimberley Wilson

A chartered psychologist and author of 'Unprocessed: How the Food We Eat Is Fuelling Our Mental Health Crisis', Kimberley is a renowned TV/radio personality.  She will speak about the importance of improving the nations diet and its positive impact on mental health outcomes.

16.35 Official forum close and branch handover to the 2026 FMT
16.45 Day 2 close.

Branch dinner drinks reception, followed by dinner and entertainment at 19.30 - Kings Suite

  NB: All timings and session content subject to change

